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organometallic chemistry

(Encyclopedia) organometallic chemistry, the reactions and use of a class of compounds (R-M) that contain a covalent bond between carbon and metal. They are prepared either by direct reaction of the…


(Encyclopedia) gadoliniumgadoliniumgădəlĭnˈēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Gd; at. no. 64; at. wt. 157.25; m.p. 1,312℃; b.p. 3,233℃; sp. gr. 7.898 at 25℃; valence +3. Gadolinium is a…


(Encyclopedia) plating, application of a plate, or coat, of metal to a surface for decoration, reflection of light, protection against corrosion, or increased wearing quality. The practice is of…

Beaver Dam

(Encyclopedia) Beaver Dam, city (2020 pop. 16,708), Dodge co., SE Wis., on Beaver Dam Lake, in a productive farm and dairy area; inc. 1856. Industries…


(Encyclopedia) forging, shaping metal by heating it and then hammering or rolling it. Forging is the method by which metal was first worked when it came into use about 4000 b.c. in Egypt and Asia.…


(Encyclopedia) zirconiumzirconiumzərkōˈnēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Zr; at. no. 40; at. wt. 91.224; m.p. about 1,852℃; b.p. 4,377℃; sp. gr. 6.5 at 20℃; valence +2, +3, or +4.…

metallic bond

(Encyclopedia) metallic bond: see chemical bond; metal.


(Encyclopedia) metallurgymetallurgymĕtˈəlûrˌjē [key], science and technology of metals and their alloys. Modern metallurgical research is concerned with the preparation of radioactive metals, with…


(Encyclopedia) jew's-harp or jews'-harp, musical instrument of ancient lineage composed of a small metal frame containing a flexible metal tongue. The frame is held between the teeth and the metal…


(Encyclopedia) peroxideperoxidepərŏkˈsīd [key], chemical compound containing two oxygen atoms, each of which is bonded to the other and to a radical or some element other than oxygen; e.g., in…