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Displaying 401 - 410

Brewer's: Kick

(A). Sixpence. “Two-and-a-kick” = two shillings and sixpence. (Anglo-Saxon, cicel, a bit. In Jamaica a “bit” = sixpence, and generally it means the smallest silver coin in circulation;…

The Philosophy of Antoninus

The Philosophy of Antoninus by George Long, M. A. IT has been said that the Stoic philosophy first showed its real value when it passed from Greece to Rome. The doctrines of Zeno and his…

Brewer's: Cock and Bottle

A public-house sign, meaning draught and bottled ale may be had on the premises. The “cock” here means the tap. It does not mean “The Cork and Bottle.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Head and Shoulders

A phrase of sundry shades of meaning. Thus “head and shoulders taller” means considerably tall; to turn one out head and shoulders means to drive one out forcibly and without ceremony.…

Berkman & Goldman: Address by Alexander Berkman

Discrimination Against the DefenseEmma Goldman's Address to the JuryAddress by Alexander Berkman GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY: It is for the first time that I rise to address a jury. * It was…

Equations vs. Inequalities

Equations vs. Inequalities Algebra Linear Inequalities Equations vs. Inequalities Solving Basic Inequalities The Inequality Mood Swing Graphing Solutions Compound Inequalities Inequalities…

Brewer's: Catchpole

A constable; a law officer whose business it was to apprehend criminals. Pole or poll means head, person; and the word means one who catches persons by the poll or neck. This was done by…

Brewer's: Cry Vinegar

(To). In French, Crier Vinaigre. The shout of sportsmen when a hare is caught. He cries “Vinegar !” he has caught the hare; metaphorically it means, he has won success. “C'étoit, dit le…

Brewer's: Claw

means the foot of an animal armed with claws; a hand. To claw is to lay one's hands upon things. It also means to tickle with the hand; hence to please or flatter, puff or praise. (Anglo-…

Brewer's: Toyshop of Europe

(The). So Burke called Birmingham. Here “toy” does not refer to playthings for children, but small articles made of steel. “Light toys” in Birmingham mean mounts, small steel rings, sword…