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Brewer's: Mab

The “fairies' midwife”—i.e. employed by the fairies as midwife of dreams (to deliver man's brain of dreams). Thus when Romeo says, “I dreamed a dream to-night,” Mercutio replies, “Oh, then…

Brewer's: Magi

(The), according to one tradition, were Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar, three kings of the East. The first offered gold, the emblem of royalty, to the infant Jesus; the second,…

Brewer's: Besom

To hang out the besom. To have a fling when your wife is gone on a visit. To be a quasi bachelor once more. Taking this in connection with the following phrase, it evidently means, holding…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Acting in Concert

Acting in ConcertAnatomy and PhysiologyThe MusclesActing in ConcertFibers Every Which Way With almost 700 muscles, both superficial and deep, it makes sense that some of them might work together…

Got a Yen...To Learn About Foreign Exchange?

Source: FDIC Consumer News, Spring 1995. The value of the U.S. dollar has an impact on all our lives, not just those of us who travel abroad. So what does it mean when the dollar is “up”…

Brewer's: Grain

A knave in grain. A knave, though a rich man, or magnate. Grain means scarlet (Latin, granum, the coccus, or scarlet dye). A military vest of purple flowed Livelier than Melibean […

Chemistry: Stoichiometry: Fun to Say, Fun to Do!

Stoichiometry: Fun to Say, Fun to Do!ChemistryStoichiometryStoichiometry: Fun to Say, Fun to Do!Simple Stoichiometry CalculationsLimiting Reactant ProblemsGas Stoichiometry Before I write another…

Brewer's: Misnomers

Absalom means a Father's Peace, a fatal name for David's rebellious son. Acid (sour) applied in chemistry to a class of bodies to which sourness is only accidental and by no means a…

Geometry: Similar Triangles

Similar TrianglesGeometrySimilar TrianglesRatio, Proportion, and Geometric MeansProperties of Similar TrianglesThe Big Three When you have two congruent triangles, you have triangles that are…

Malay & Tagalog Words

Asian loan words in English by Ann-Marie Imbornoni Asian Loan Words IntroductionWords derived from: Chinese & KoreanJapaneseMalay & Tagalog PolynesianMalay (Malaysia and…