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Powell, John

(Encyclopedia) Powell, John, 1882–1963, American pianist and composer, b. Richmond, Va., grad. Univ. of Virginian, 1901. In Vienna he studied piano and composition and in 1908 made his debut as a…

Todd, Mabel Loomis

(Encyclopedia) Todd, Mabel Loomis, 1858–1932, American author, b. Cambridge, Mass. A friend of Emily Dickinson, she edited and deciphered much of the Dickinson material in Poems (with T. W. Higginson…

Cerro Azul

(Encyclopedia) Cerro Azul, volcano, 12,428 ft (3,788 m) high, central Chile, in the Andes c.150 mi (240 km) S of Santiago. Also known as Quizapú after the large vent on the northern flank of the…


(Encyclopedia) protoplasm, term once used for the fundamental material of which all living things were thought to be composed. It was studied by a number of early scientists, especially by Félix…

Yucca Mountain

(Encyclopedia) Yucca Mountain, mountain in the SW Nevada desert about 100 mi (161 km) northwest of Las Vegas. It is the proposed site of a Dept. of Energy (DOE) repository for up to 77,000 metric…

neutrino astronomy

(Encyclopedia) neutrino astronomy, study of stars by means of their emission of neutrinos, fundamental particles that result from nuclear reactions and are emitted by stars along with light.…

New-York Historical Society

(Encyclopedia) New-York Historical Society, New York City. Founded in 1804, the society is a repository of art, artifacts, and literature relating to American, especially New York, history. Among its…

naval stores

(Encyclopedia) naval stores, term initially applied to the cordage, mask, resin, tar, and timber used in building wooden sailing ships; it now designates the products obtained from the pine tree, e.g…


(Encyclopedia) annealingannealingənēlˈĭng [key], process in which glass, metals, and other materials are treated to render them less brittle and more workable. Annealing consists of heating the…


(Encyclopedia) kleptomaniakleptomaniaklĕpˌtəmāˈnēə [key] [Gr.,=craze for stealing], irresistible compulsion to steal, motivated by neurotic impulse rather than material need. No specific cause is…