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(Encyclopedia) insulationinsulationĭnˌsəlāˈshən, ĭnˌsy&oobreve;– [key], use of materials or devices to inhibit or prevent the conduction of heat or of electricity. Common heat insulators are, fur…

Young's modulus

(Encyclopedia) Young's modulus [for Thomas Young], number representing (in pounds per square inch or dynes per square centimeter) the ratio of stress to strain for a wire or bar of a given substance…


(Encyclopedia) biopsybiopsybīäpˈsē [key], examination of cells or tissues removed from a living organism. Excised material may be studied in order to diagnose disease or to confirm findings of…


(Encyclopedia) virology, study of viruses and their role in disease. Many viruses, such as animal RNA viruses and viruses that infect bacteria, or bacteriophages, have become useful laboratory tools…


(Encyclopedia) facsimilefacsimilefăksĭmˈəlē [key] or fax, in communications, system for transmitting pictures or other graphic matter by wire or radio. Facsimile is used to transmit such materials as…

leaf mold

(Encyclopedia) leaf mold, crumbly brown humus typical of forest floors. It is composed of decayed leaves and other plant material mixed with soil.


(Encyclopedia) grinding, process by which surface material is removed from an object, usually metal, by the abrasive action of a rotating wheel or a moving belt that contains abrasive grains. A…


(Encyclopedia) ToseftaToseftatōsĕfˈtə [key], plural ToseftothTosefta–tōth [key] [Aramaic,=additional], collection of ancient Jewish teachings supplementing the Mishna or Oral Law and closely allied…


(Encyclopedia) concrete, structural masonry material made by mixing broken stone or gravel with sand, cement, and water and allowing the mixture to harden into a solid mass. The cement is the…


(Encyclopedia) electret, solid electrically insulating, or dielectric, material that has acquired a long-lasting electrostatic polarization. Electrets are produced by heating certain dielectric…