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Brewer's: Materialism

The doctrines of a Materialist, who maintains that the soul and spirit are effects of matter. The orthodox doctrine is that the soul is distinct from the body, and is a portion of the…

The Devil's Dictionary: Material

by Ambrose Bierce MARTYRMAUSOLEUMMATERIAL -adj. Having an actual existence, as distinguished from an imaginary one. Important. Material things I know, or feel, or see; All else is…

composite material

(Encyclopedia) composite material or composite, any material made from at least two discrete substances, such as concrete. Many materials are produced as composites, such as the fiberglass-reinforced…


(Encyclopedia) dredging, process of excavating materials underwater. It is used to deepen waterways, harbors, and docks and for mining alluvial mineral deposits, including tin, gold, and diamonds.…

Shull, Clifford

(Encyclopedia) Shull, Clifford, 1915–2001, American physicist, b. Pittsburgh, Pa. Educated at Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) and New York Univ. (Ph.D., 1941), Shull…

bone black

(Encyclopedia) bone black, solid black material, largely carbon, produced by heating animal bones to high temperatures in the absence of air so as to drive off volatile substances. Finely divided…