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Displaying 441 - 450

Brewer's: Hear

To hear as a hog in harvest. In at one ear and out at the other; hear without paying attention. Giles Firmin says, “If you call hogs out of the harvest stubble, they will just lift up…

Brewer's: Hildesheim

A monk of Hildesheim doubting how with God a thousand years could be as one day, listened to the singing of a bird in a wood, as he thought for three minutes, but found the time had been…

Richest Americans

The following table lists the richest Americans by their net worth and the industry in which they earned their fortune. Bill Gates is the richest American Source: AP Photo Rank Name…

Brewer's: Court of Love

A judicial court for deciding affairs of the heart, established in Provence during the palmy days of the Troubadours. The following is a case submitted to their judgment: A lady listened…

Brewer's: Cipher

Dr. Whewell's riddle is- A headless man had a letter (o) to write, He who read it (naught) had lost his sight; The dumb repeated it (naught) word for word, And deaf was the man who…

Brewer's: Cock the Ears

(To). To prick up the ears, or turn them as a horse does when he listens to a strange sound. Here “cock” means to turn, and seems to be connected with the Greek a circle, and the verb .…

Brewer's: Rosetta

(Africa). The orchards of Rosetta are filled with turtle-doves. Now hangs listening to the doyes In warm Rosetta. T.Moore: Paradise and the Peri. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…

Brewer's: Rudder

Who won't be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock. Who won't listen to reason must bear the consequences, like a ship that runs upon a rock if it will not answer the helm.…

Brewer's: Wat

A familar name for a hare. By this, poor Wat, far off upon a hill, Stands on his hinder legs, with listening ear. Shakespeare:…

Brewer's: Felix

a monk who listens to the singing of a milk-white bird for a thousand years, which seemed to him “but a single hour,” so enchanted was he by the song. (Longfellow: The Golden Legend.)…