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Displaying 451 - 460

The True George Washington: Enemies: Jefferson

JeffersonThe political course of Washington while President produced the alienation of the two Virginians whom he most closely associated with himself in the early part of his administration…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Solution

SolutionI am the Muse who sung alway By Jove, at dawn of the first day. Star-crowned, sole-sitting, long I wrought To fire the stagnant earth with thought: On spawning slime my song prevails…

2014 GLAAD Media Awards

Here are the winners of the 24th Annual GLAAD Media Awards. Outstanding Comedy Series: Orange Is the New…

Brewer's: Naught

(not “nought”). Naught is Ne (negative), aught (anything). Saxon náht, which is ne áht (not anything). A headless man had a letter [o] to write. He who read it [naught] had lost his sight…

Brewer's: Tattoo

A beat on the drum at night to recall the soldiers to their barracks. It sounded at nine in summer and eight in winter. (French, tapoter or tapotez tous.) The devil's tattoo. Drumming…

Brewer's: Slops

(The) The police; originally “ecilop.” I dragged you in here and saved you, And sent out a gal for the slops; Ha! they're a comin', sir! Listen! The noise and the shoutin' stops. Sims:…

Brewer's: Snooks

An exclamation of incredulity; a Mrs. Harris. A person tells an incredible story, and the listener cries Snooks—gammon; or he replies, It was Snooks—the host of the Château d'Espagne. This…