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Displaying 401 - 410

A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass

Amy LowellDedicationLife, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity. Shelley , Adonais. Le silence est si grand que mon coeur en frissonne, Seul, le bruit de…

Women's Rights are Human Rights

by Hillary Rodham Clinton Remarks for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Mrs. Mongella, distinguished delegates and guests: I would like to thank the Secretary…

The Song of Hiawatha: Hiawatha's Childhood

The Four Winds Hiawatha and Mudjekeewis Hiawatha's Childhood Downward through the evening twilight, In the days that are forgotten, In the unremembered ages, From the full moon…

The End of a Long Journey

Chapter 25 The End of a Long Journey The reunited party now set out for the lower river and proceeded rapidly down-stream, favored with a good wind. They made eighty-six miles…

Lewis & Clark: The End of a Long Journey

by NoahBrooks Adventures on the YellowstoneIndexThe End of a Long Journey The reunited party now set out for the lower river and proceeded rapidly down-stream,…

Walt Whitman: Song of Myself, Part 46

Part 46I know I have the best of time and space, and was never measured and never will be measured.I tramp a perpetual journey, (come listen all!) My signs are a rain-proof coat, good…


What is this job like? Without these workers, there would be no lights, no computers, and no TVs plugged into our walls. Electricians bring us electricity. They put in the wires that carry…

Walt Whitman: Myself and Mine

Myself and MineMyself and mine gymnastic ever, To stand the cold or heat, to take good aim with a gun, to sail a boat, to manage horses, to beget superb children, To speak readily and…