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(Encyclopedia) ConfucianismConfucianismkənfy&oomacr;ˈshənĭzəm [key], moral and religious system of China. Its origins go back to the Analects (see Chinese literature), the sayings attributed to…

Ch'in, dynasty of China (221–206 b.c.)

(Encyclopedia) Ch'inCh'inchĭn [key], dynasty of China, which ruled from 221 b.c. to 206 b.c. The word China is derived from Ch'in, the first dynasty to unify the country by conquering the warring…

Ito, Hirobumi

(Encyclopedia) Ito, HirobumiIto, Hirobumihērōˈb&oomacr;mē ēˈtō [key], 1841–1909, Japanese statesman, the outstanding figure in the modernization of Japan. As a young Choshu samurai, he was a…


(Encyclopedia) SoongSoongs&oobreve;ng [key], Mandarin Song, Chinese family, prominent in public affairs. Soong Yao-ju or Charles Jones Soong, 1866–1918, graduated from Vanderbilt Univ. and, after…

Chinese literature

(Encyclopedia) Chinese literature, the literature of ancient and modern China. Fiction during the first years after the 1949 Communist revolution depicted the great social transformations taking…


(Encyclopedia) Guangdong or Kwangtung Guangdong both: gwängˈd&oobreve;ngˈ [key],…

Sino-Japanese War, Second

(Encyclopedia) Sino-Japanese War, Second, 1937–45, conflict between Japanese and Chinese forces for control of the Chinese mainland. The war sapped the Nationalist government's strength while…

Chinese Dynasties (table)

(Encyclopedia) Chinese Dynasties Dynasty Characteristics and History Hsia c.1994–c.1523 b.c. Semilegendary Emperor Yu built irrigation channels, reclaimed land. Bronze weapons, chariots,…

Chiang Kai-shek

(Encyclopedia) Chiang Kai-shekChiang Kai-shekjyäng kī-shĕk, jyäng [key], 1887–1975, Chinese Nationalist leader. He was also called Chiang Chung-cheng. After completing military training with the…

Communist party, in China

(Encyclopedia) Communist party, in China, ruling party of the world's most populous nation since 1949 and most important Communist party in the world since the disintegration of the USSR in 1991.…