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Aiken, Conrad

(Encyclopedia) Aiken, ConradAiken, Conradāˈkĭn [key], 1889–1973, American author, b. Savannah, Ga., grad. Harvard, 1912. Aiken is best known for his poetry, which often is preoccupied with the sound…


(Encyclopedia) Ch'ien-lungCh'ien-lungchyĕnˈ-l&oomacr;ngˈ [key], 1711–99, reign title of the fourth emperor (1735–96) of the Ch'ing dynasty, whose given name was Hung-li. Under his vigorous…

Tseng Kuo-fan

(Encyclopedia) Tseng Kuo-fanTseng Kuo-fandzŭng gwô-fän [key], 1811–72, Chinese general and statesman of the Ch'ing dynasty. He organized (1853) the Hunan army, the first of the great regional armies…

Ha Jin

(Encyclopedia) Ha Jin, pseud. of Jin Xuefei, 1956–, Chinese-American writer, grad. Heilongjiang Univ. (B.A. 1981), Shandong Univ. (M.A., 1984), Brandeis (M.A., Ph.D., 1993). In the early 1980s he…

Sino-Japanese War, First

(Encyclopedia) Sino-Japanese War, First, 1894–95, conflict between China and Japan for control of Korea in the late 19th cent. The Li-Ito Convention of 1885 provided for mutual troop withdrawals and…

Taiping Rebellion

(Encyclopedia) Taiping Rebellion, 1850–64, revolt against the Ch'ing (Manchu) dynasty of China. It was led by Hung Hsiu-ch'üan, a visionary from Guangdong who evolved a political creed and messianic…

May Fourth Movement

(Encyclopedia) May Fourth Movement (1919), first mass movement in modern Chinese history. On May 4, about 5,000 university students in Beijing protested the Versailles Conference (Apr. 28, 1919)…

Zhao Ziyang

(Encyclopedia) Zhao Ziyang or Chao Tzu-yangZhao Ziyangboth: zhou zēyäng [key], 1919–2005, Chinese Communist leader. He joined the party in 1938, was active as a local party leader during World War II…

Tso Tsung-t'ang

(Encyclopedia) Tso Tsung-t'angTso Tsung-t'angdzô dz&oomacr;ng-täng [key], 1812–85, Chinese general and statesman of the Ch'ing dynasty. He directed (1852–59) resistance to the Taiping Rebellion…

Chinese art

(Encyclopedia) Chinese art, works of art produced in the vast geographical region of China. It the oldest art in the world and has its origins in remote antiquity. (For the history of Chinese…