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Truxtun, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Truxtun, Thomas, 1755–1822, American naval officer, b. near Hempstead, L.I., N.Y. In the American Revolution he won a name as a privateer, seizing many British prizes. Later he was a…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: LI ("A modest lot")

by EmilyDickinson Power LII LI A modest lot, a fame petite, A brief campaign of sting and sweet Is plenty! Is enough! A sailor's business is the shore, A soldier's — balls. Who asketh more…

Ba Jin

(Encyclopedia) Ba Jin or Pa ChinPa Chinboth: bäˈ jĭnˈ [key], pseud. of Li Yaotang (also Li Feigan), 1904–2005, one of China's most acclaimed modern novelists, b. Chengdu. Born into a wealthy family,…

Shimonoseki, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Shimonoseki, Treaty of, Apr. 17, 1895, ending the First Sino-Japanese War. It was negotiated and signed by Ito Hirobumi for Japan and Li Hung-chang for China. Harsh terms were imposed…


(Encyclopedia) MinMinmĭn [key]. 1 Chief river of Fujian prov., SE China, c.350 mi (560 km) long, rising in Wuyi shan and flowing SE to the South China Sea near Fuzhou; it receives several tributaries…

Tu Fu

(Encyclopedia) Tu FuTu Fud&oomacr; f&oomacr; [key], 712–70, Chinese poet. In Pinyin, his name is romanized as Du Fu. Tu Fu is often considered the greatest of Chinese poets. He did not pass…


(Encyclopedia) Hainan Hainan hīˈnänˈ [key], island and province, c.13,100 sq mi (33,940 sq km), China, in the…

Nian Rebellion

(Encyclopedia) Nian Rebellion or Nien RebellionNien Rebellionboth: nēˈĕn [key], uprising that occurred against the Ch'ing dynasty of China. Bands [Chinese,=nien] of antigovernment rebels in the south…

Wright, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Wright, Henry, 1878–1936, American landscape architect and community planner, b. Lawrence, Kans., studied architecture at the Univ. of Pennsylvania. He was widely recognized as a…