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(Encyclopedia) Eastlake, city (2020 pop. 17,918), Lake co., NE Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, on the Chagrin River and Lake Erie; inc. 1949. It has…


(Encyclopedia) Layton, city (1990 pop. 41,784), Davis co., N Utah, between the Wasatch Range and Great Salt Lake. In an irrigated farm area served by the Weber basin project, it produces fruits and…


(Encyclopedia) MotalaMotalam&oomacr;ˈtäˌlä [key], city (1990 pop. 29,630), Östergötland co., S Sweden, on Lake Vättern and on the Göta Canal. It is an important lake port and an industrial center…

Tarzan and the Lost City

Director:Carl SchenkelWriters:Bayard Johnson and J. Anderson BlackDirector of Photography:Paul GilpinEditor:Harry HitnerMusic:Christopher FrankeProduction Designer:Herbert PinterProducers:…

Onega, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Onega, Lake, Finnish Aäninen, Rus. Onezhskoye Ozero, lake, c.3,800 sq mi (9,800 sq km), NW European Russia, in Karelia, between Lake Ladoga and the White Sea. The second largest lake…

North Chicago

(Encyclopedia) North Chicago, industrial city (1990 pop. 34,978), Lake co., NE Ill.; inc. 1909. Its economy is closely intertwined with the neighboring city of Waukegan, which has a harbor on Lake…


(Encyclopedia) Plattsburgh, city (1990 pop. 21,255), seat of Clinton co., NE N.Y., on Lake Champlain; settled 1767, inc. 1902. It is a trade and distribution point, with plants making transportation…

Alexander City

(Encyclopedia) Alexander City, city (2020 pop. 14,843), Tallapoosa co., E central Ala., in a piedmont farm area; inc. 1874. Nearby Martin Dam supplies power for the city's textile mills;…

Geneva, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Geneva, Lake, Fr. Lac LémanGeneva, Lake,läk lāmäNˈ [key], crescent-shaped lake, 224 sq mi (580 sq km), c.45 mi (70 km) long, on the Swiss-French border, between the Alps and the Jura…

Crystal Lake

(Encyclopedia) Crystal Lake, city (2020 pop. 40,269), McHenry co., NE Ill., in a farming area; inc. 1874. Electrical components, tools, plastics, and…