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The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 9

by Oscar Wilde Chapter 8Chapter 10Chapter 9 As he was sitting at breakfast next morning, Basil Hallward was shown into the room. "I am so glad I have found you, Dorian," he said…

John Donne: Negative Love

Negative LoveI never stoop'd so low, as they Which on an eye, cheek, lip, can prey; Seldom to them which soar no higher Than virtue, or the mind to admire. For sense and…

Area and Volume Problems

Area and Volume Problems Algebra Whipping Word Problems Interest Problems Area and Volume Problems Speed and Distance Problems Mixture and Combination Problems Algebra teachers have a lot of…

Katha-Upanishad: Second Valli

  Second Valli   1. Death said: “The good is one thing, the pleasant another; these two, having different objects, chain a man. It is well with him who clings to the good; he who chooses…

Being Neighborly

Being Neighborly"What in the world are you going to do now, Jo?" asked Meg one snowy afternoon, as her sister came tramping through the hall, in rubber boots, old sack, and hood, with a broom…

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 5

by Oscar Wilde Chapter 4Chapter 6Chapter 5 "Mother, Mother, I am so happy!" whispered the girl, burying her face in the lap of the faded, tired-looking woman who, with back turned to…

Etiquette Q & A

Etiquette Q & A We asked manners expert Jodi Smith of Mannersmith General 1. What's your biggest pet peeve concerning manners? Not enough people use…