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Displaying 291 - 300

Life for Life

Life for LifeThe summer days that followed were full of rest and pleasure for young and old, as they did the honours of Plumfield to their happy guests. While Franz and Emil were busy with…

Peter Pan: Peter Breaks Through

The Shadow Peter Breaks Through All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was…

Aunt March Settles the Question

Aunt March Settles the QuestionLike bees swarming after their queen, mother and daughters hovered about Mr. March the next day, neglecting everything to look at, wait upon, and listen to the…

Chauncey Judd: Seizure of Henry Wooster

Wooster's Barn Negro Patriotism Seizure of Henry Wooster When the teamsmen had reached a safe distance from the barn, Graham sprang from his biding-place, and began to swear at the…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Fir Tree

The Shoes of FortuneThe Snow QueenThe Fir Tree Out in the woods stood a nice little Fir Tree. The place he had was a very good one: the sun shone on him: as to fresh air, there was enough…

Doctor Knowall

Doctor Knowall There was once upon a time a poor peasant called Crabb, who drove with two oxen a load of wood to the town, and sold it to a doctor for two talers. When the money was being…

A Christmas Carol: The End of It

The Last of the Spirits The End of It YES! and the bedpost was his own. The bed was his own, the room was his own. Best and happiest of all, the Time before him was his own, to make…