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Displaying 351 - 360

The Congress of Women: The Woman Who Has Come

by Mrs. Charlotte C. Holt The Women Writers of CaliforniaGöethe and SchillerThe Woman Who Has Come Mrs. Charlotte C. Holt was born at New Orleans, La. Her parents were John C. Cushing and…

Obscure Star Wars Characters

/* /*]]>*/ Star Wars has been popular since the first movie's release in 1977. While many people know the basic trivia of the series, they may not know these obscure characters. How well do you…

Love of God, Love of Man, Love of Country

by Frederick Douglass Speech on American Slavery I like radical measures, whether adopted by Abolitionists or slaveholders. I do not know but I like them better when adopted by the latter.…

Christina Rossetti: Under the Rose

Under the Rose'The iniquity of the fathers upon the children.'Oh the rose of keenest thorn! One hidden summer morn Under the rose I was born.I do not guess his name Who wrought my Mother's…

The Koran/Sura XII — Joseph, Peace Be On Him

Sura XII — Joseph, Peace Be On HimMecca — 111 Verses In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful ELIF. LAM. RA.[603] These are signs of the clear Book. An Arabic Koran have we sent…