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Brewer's: Gyneth

Natural daughter of Guendolen and King Arthur. Arthur swore to Guendolen that if she brought forth a boy, he should be his heir, and if a girl, he would give her in marriage to the bravest…

Brewer's: Herald's College

consists of three kings-of-arms, six heralds, and four pursuivants. The head of the college is called the Earl Marshal of England. The three kings-of-arms are Garter (blue), Clarencieux…

Brewer's: King Ryence

of North Wales, sent a dwarf to King Arthur to say “he had overcome eleven kings, all of which paid him homage in this sort viz. they gave him their beards to purfell his mantle. He now…

Brewer's: Shield

The Gold and Silver Shield. Two knights coming from different directions stopped in sight of a trophy shield, one side of which was gold and the other silver. Like the disputants about the…

Brewer's: Esquire

One who carried the escu or shield of a knight. (Latin, scutiger, a shield-bearer.) Copy of a letter from C. H. ATHILL, ESQ., “Richmond Herald ”: “Herald's College, E.C., January 26th 1893…

Don Klosterman 2000 Deaths

Don KlostermanAge: 70 pro football executive who helped build the American Football League into a rival of the NFL in the 1960s and 70s; credited with outbidding the NFL for players like…

U.S. Societies & Associations (K)

Kiwanis International (1915): 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, Ind. 46268. 316,000. Phone: (317) 875-8755. email: Knights of Columbus (1852): One…

Top 25 Funny Movie Quotes

Top of Page Some of the best film quotes of all time come from comedy movies. We've come up with a list of the funniest quotes from comedies over the years. Some are iconic Hollywood movie lines,…

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Two decades and five head coaches after its last NCAA title, UCLA finally wins its first championship of the post-Wooden era.—Gene Wojciechowski They came. They saw. They resigned. That's…