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Malta Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Malta Index: People Government Political Conditions Foreign Relations U.S.-Maltese Relations PEOPLEMalta was an important cultic center for earth-mother…

Brewer's: Preceptor

The superior of a preceptory was called by the Templars a Knight Preceptor; a “Grand Proceptor” was the head of all the preceptories, or houses of the Knights Templars, in an entire…

Friday the 13th

Unlucky No. 13 combines Christian and pagan beliefs Related Links Our Favorite Phobias Sports and the Number 13 The Hoax Files Phobias Quizzes Quiz: Phobias, Part I If you…

John Keats: Specimen of an Induction to a Poem

by JohnKeats"Places of nestling green for ...CalidoreSpecimen of an Induction to a Poem Lo! I must tell a tale of chivalry; For large white plumes are dancing in mine eye. Not like the…

Brewer's: Lybius

(Sir). A very young knight who undertook to rescue the lady of Sinadone. After overcoming various knights, giants, and enchanters, he entered the palace of the lady. Presently the whole…

Brewer's: Eraclius

the emperor, condemned a knight to death because the companion who went out with him returned not. “Thou hast slain thy fellow,” said the emperor, “and must die. Go,” continued he, to…

Brewer's: Wandering Wood

in book i. of Spenser's Faërie Queene, is where St. George and Una encounter Error, who is slain by the knight. Una tries to persuade the Red Cross…

Brewer's: Basilisco

A braggart; a character in an old play entitled Solyman and Perseda. Shakespeare makes the Bastard say to his mother, who asks him why he boasted of his ill-birth, “Knight, knight, good…

Brewer's: Clarenceux King-of-Arms

One of the two provincial heralds, with jurisdiction over the southern provinces. The name was taken in honour of the Duke of Clarence, third son of Edward III. The herald of the northern…

Brewer's: Gauvaine

or Gawain = Gau-wain (2 syl., g hard). Sir Gauvaine the Courteous. One of Arthur's kinghts, and his nephew. He challenged the Green Knight, and struck off his head; but the headless knight…