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Simons, Walter

(Encyclopedia) Simons, WalterSimons, Waltervälˈtər zēˈmôns [key], 1861–1937, German jurist and statesman. He served (1919) as commissioner general to the German delegation at Versailles, but resigned…

Viner, Jacob

(Encyclopedia) Viner, Jacob, 1892–1970, American economist, b. Montreal. He taught at the Univ. of Chicago (1919–46) and Princeton (1946–60). A specialist on the subject of international trade, Viner…

Foursquare Gospel, International Church of the

(Encyclopedia) Foursquare Gospel, International Church of the, fundamentalist Christian Church and evangelistic missionary body organized in California by Aimee Semple McPherson and Minnie Kennedy in…


(Encyclopedia) CominternCominternkəmĭntārnˈ [key] [acronym for Communist International], name given to the Third International, founded at Moscow in 1919. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin feared a resurgence of…

Zoellick, Robert Bruce

(Encyclopedia) Zoellick, Robert BruceZoellick, Robert Brucezĕlˈlĭk [key], 1953–, U.S. government official and finance executive, b. Evergreen Park, Ill., grad. Swarthmore College (B.A., 1975),…

Georgieva, Kristalina

(Encyclopedia) Georgieva, Kristalina (Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova), 1953–, Bulgarian economist. She studied at the Karl Marx Higher Institute of Economics (now the Univ. of National and World…

foreign aid

(Encyclopedia) foreign aid, economic, military, technical, and financial assistance given on an international, and usually intergovernmental level. U.S. foreign aid programs have included at least…


(Encyclopedia) pacifism, advocacy of opposition to war through individual or collective action against militarism. Although complete, enduring peace is the goal of all pacifism, the methods of…