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European Monetary Agreement

(Encyclopedia) European Monetary Agreement (EMA), international governmental facility (1958–72) for the settlement of balance of payments accounts between member states. The EMA, which was…


(Encyclopedia) EsperantoEsperantoĕspəränˈtō [key], an artificial language introduced in 1887 and intended by its inventor, Dr. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof (1859–1917), a Polish oculist and linguist, to…

Gentili, Alberico

(Encyclopedia) Gentili, AlbericoGentili, Albericoälbārēˈkō jāntēˈlē [key], 1552–1608, Italian writer on international law. Forced to leave Italy because of his Protestantism, he went to England (1580…


(Encyclopedia) Gurugram, formerly Gurgaon Gurugram, gûrˈgoun [key], city, Haryana state, N…

fair trade

(Encyclopedia) fair trade, a trading arrangement intended to provide more equitable international trade by creating better conditions for disadvantaged or marginalized producers of goods. Fair trade…

Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi

(Encyclopedia) Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva KaleviAhtisaari, Martti Oiva Kaleviäkhˈtēsärrē [key], 1937–, Finnish diplomat, political leader, and international mediator; grad. Univ. of Oulu (1959). Joining…


(Encyclopedia) arbitration, industrial, method of settling disputes between two parties by seeking and accepting the decision of a third party. Arbritration differs from mediation in that the…


(Encyclopedia) AIG: see American International Group.

Martens, Georg Friedrich von

(Encyclopedia) Martens, Georg Friedrich vonMartens, Georg Friedrich vongāôrkhˈ frēˈdrĭkh fôn märˈtəns [key], 1756–1821, German writer on international law, b. Hamburg. He was professor of…


(Encyclopedia) Interpol, acronym for the International Criminal Police Organization, a worldwide clearinghouse for police information. Conceived in 1914, Interpol was formally established in 1923…