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(Encyclopedia) sense, faculty by which external or internal stimuli are conveyed to the brain centers, where they are registered as sensations. Sensory reception occurs in higher animals through a…


(Encyclopedia) pneumoconiosispneumoconiosisn&oomacr;ˌməkōˌnēōˈsĭs [key], chronic disease of the lungs. Primarily an occupational disease of miners, sandblasters, and metal grinders, it is a…


(Encyclopedia) paraldehydeparaldehydepârălˈdəhīdˌ [key], nervous system depressant similar to alcohol in its effects and used as a sedative. A colorless flammable liquid with a disagreeable odor,…


(Encyclopedia) embolusembolusĕmˈbələs [key], foreign matter circulating in and obstructing a blood vessel. It may be a portion of a clot that has separated from the wall of a vessel (see thrombosis…

Ford, John, English dramatist

(Encyclopedia) Ford, John, 1586–c.1640, English dramatist, b. Devonshire. He went to London to study law but was never called to the bar. The early part of his playwriting career was taken up with…


(Encyclopedia) Fairfield. 1 City (2020 pop. 10,000), Jefferson co., N central Ala., an industrial suburb of Birmingham; inc. 1919. Founded (1910) by…


(Encyclopedia) valve, device for controlling the flow of fluids (liquids and gases). Valves vary in construction and size depending upon their function. Some are classified according to their method…


(Encyclopedia) TepliceTeplicetĕˈplĭtsĕ [key] or Teplice-ŠanovTeplice–shäˈnôf [key], Ger. Teplitz-Schönau, city (1991 pop. 53,004), NW Czech Republic, in Bohemia, in the Erzgebirge [ore mountains] and…

Steno, Nicolaus

(Encyclopedia) Steno, NicolausSteno, Nicolausnĭkəlāˈəs stēˈnō [key], Latinized form of Niels StensenSteno, Nicolausnēls stānˈsən [key], 1638–86, Danish anatomist, geologist, and Roman Catholic…

Bourke-White, Margaret

(Encyclopedia) Bourke-White, MargaretBourke-White, Margaretbûrkˈ hwīt [key], 1904–71, American photo-journalist, b. New York City. One of the original staff photographers at Fortune, Life, and Time…