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(Encyclopedia) nosebleed, nasal hemorrhage occurring as the result of local injury or disturbance. Most nosebleeds are not serious and occur when one of the small veins of the septum (the partition…


(Encyclopedia) Huntington. 1 City (2020 pop. 17,022), seat of Huntington co., NE Ind.; inc. 1848. It is a farm trade center and an industrial city.…

Ignarro, Louis Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Ignarro, Louis Joseph, 1941–. American pharmacologist, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Ph.D. Univ. of Minnesota, 1966. He was on the faculty at Tulane Univ. from 1979 to 1985, when he became a…

Jarrell, Randall

(Encyclopedia) Jarrell, RandallJarrell, Randalljərĕlˈ [key], 1914–65, American poet and critic, b. Nashville, Tenn., grad. Vanderbilt Univ. (B.A., 1935; M.A., 1938). His poetry, reflecting an…


(Encyclopedia) asphyxiaasphyxiaăsfĭkˈsēə [key], deficiency of oxygen and excess of carbon dioxide in the blood and body tissues. Asphyxia, often referred to as suffocation, usually results from an…


(Encyclopedia) litanylitanylĭtˈənē [key] [Gr.,=prayer], solemn prayer characterized by varying petitions with set responses. The term is mainly used for Christian forms. Litanies were developed in…

Dasht-e Kavir

(Encyclopedia) Dasht-e KavirDasht-e Kavirdäsht-ēkävērˈ [key], great salt desert, c.500 mi (800 km) long and c.200 mi (320 km) wide, SE of the Elburz Mts., N central Iran. It is a huge basin of…

Douglas, Gawin

(Encyclopedia) Douglas, Gawin or GavinDouglas, Gawin or Gavingäˈwĭn, găvˈĭn [key], 1474?–1522, Scottish poet and churchman; son of Archibald Douglas, 5th earl of Angus. He is considered one of the…

Lagerkvist, Pär Fabian

(Encyclopedia) Lagerkvist, Pär FabianLagerkvist, Pär Fabianpâr fäˈbēän läˈgərkvĭst [key], 1891–1974, Swedish poet, dramatist, and novelist. Lagerkvist is considered one of the most significant…