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(Encyclopedia) federation: see federal government.

Côte d'Ivoire

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire kōt dēvwärˈ [key] or Ivory Coast, officially Republic of Côte…

city manager

(Encyclopedia) city manager: see city government.

sunset laws

(Encyclopedia) sunset laws, statutes that deal with the tendency of government agencies and programs to be self-perpetuating by providing for their periodic review.

Crémieux, (Isaac) Adolphe

(Encyclopedia) Crémieux, (Isaac) AdolpheCrémieux, (Isaac) Adolpheēsäkˈ ädôlfˈ krāmyöˈ [key], 1796–1880, Jewish-French statesman and political writer. A lawyer, he served briefly as minister of…

Franklin, State of

(Encyclopedia) Franklin, State of, government (1784–88) formed by the inhabitants of Washington, Sullivan, and Greene counties in present-day E Tennessee after North Carolina ceded (June, 1784) its…

Itagaki, Taisuke

(Encyclopedia) Itagaki, TaisukeItagaki, Taisuketīˈs&oomacr;kē ētäˈgäkē [key], 1837–1919, Japanese statesman. After taking part in the Meiji restoration, he became (1869) a councillor of state. A…

Jackson, Helen (Fiske) Hunt

(Encyclopedia) Jackson, Helen (Fiske) Hunt, 1830–85, American writer whose pseudonym was H. H., b. Amherst, Mass. She was a lifelong friend of Emily Dickinson. In 1863, encouraged by T. W. Higginson…

Jellachich de Buzim, Joseph, Count

(Encyclopedia) Jellachich de Buzim, Joseph, CountJellachich de Buzim, Joseph, Countyĕˈlächĭch, b&oomacr;ˈzĭm, –zhĭm [key], 1801–59, Austrian general, a Croatian nobleman. He was governor of…

López Portillo y Pacheco, José

(Encyclopedia) López Portillo y Pacheco, JoséLópez Portillo y Pacheco, Joséhōsāˈ lôˈpās pôrtēˈyò ē pächākō [key], 1920–2004, Mexican political leader and president (1976–82). A lawyer and university…