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Chesterfield Inlet

(Encyclopedia) Chesterfield Inlet, hamlet, Canadian government post in the Nunavut Territory, at the mouth of Chesterfield Inlet of Hudson Bay.


(Encyclopedia) consols, contraction of consolidated annuities, a bond issue designed to consolidate two or more outstanding issues, used in reference to British government stock. Public borrowing…

Gérin-Lajoie, Antoine

(Encyclopedia) Gérin-Lajoie, AntoineGérin-Lajoie, AntoineäNtwänˈ zhārăNˈ-läzhwäˈ [key], 1824–82, French Canadian author and journalist, b. Quebec prov. After serving as an editor (1845–52) on the…

Gowon, Yakubu

(Encyclopedia) Gowon, YakubuGowon, Yakubuyäk&oomacr;ˈb&oomacr; gôˈwŏn [key], 1934–, Nigerian head of state. After entering the Nigerian army in 1954, he advanced (1966) to battalion commander…


(Encyclopedia) Gwangju or Kwangju Gwangju gwängˈj&oomacr;ˈ [key], city, metropolitan city located in but…

Martin, Micheál

(Encyclopedia) Martin, Micheál, 1960–, Irish political leader. He briefly taught history before being elected (1985) to the Cork local government, and served (1992–93) as lord mayor of the city. A…

Clark, Helen

(Encyclopedia) Clark, Helen, 1950–, New Zealand politician, prime minister (1999–2008), b. Hamilton, N.Z. A graduate of the Univ. of Auckland (B.A., 1971; M.A., 1974), she taught political science…

Cleveland, Frederick Albert

(Encyclopedia) Cleveland, Frederick Albert, 1865–1946, American economist, b. Sterling, Ill., studied at DePauw Univ. and at the Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1900. He taught at the…

Leontief, Wassily

(Encyclopedia) Leontief, WassilyLeontief, Wassilylēˈŏntēf [key], 1906–99, American economist, b. Russia, grad. Univ. of Berlin (Ph.D., 1928). The son of a Russian economist, he and his family left…

Bremer, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Bremer, Paul (Lewis Paul Bremer 3d)Bremer, Paulbrĕˈmər [key], 1941–, U.S. diplomat and government official, b. Hartford, Conn. A career diplomat in the Foreign Service from 1966 to…