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(Encyclopedia) consols, contraction of consolidated annuities, a bond issue designed to consolidate two or more outstanding issues, used in reference to British government stock. Public borrowing…

Gérin-Lajoie, Antoine

(Encyclopedia) Gérin-Lajoie, AntoineGérin-Lajoie, AntoineäNtwänˈ zhārăNˈ-läzhwäˈ [key], 1824–82, French Canadian author and journalist, b. Quebec prov. After serving as an editor (1845–52) on the…

Gowon, Yakubu

(Encyclopedia) Gowon, YakubuGowon, Yakubuyäk&oomacr;ˈb&oomacr; gôˈwŏn [key], 1934–, Nigerian head of state. After entering the Nigerian army in 1954, he advanced (1966) to battalion commander…

Washington, Walter Edward

(Encyclopedia) Washington, Walter Edward, 1915–2003, American political figure, first African-American mayor of Washington, D.C. (1975–79) and of a major American city, b. Dawson, Ga., grad. Howard…

Bremer, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Bremer, Paul (Lewis Paul Bremer 3d)Bremer, Paulbrĕˈmər [key], 1941–, U.S. diplomat and government official, b. Hartford, Conn. A career diplomat in the Foreign Service from 1966 to…


(Encyclopedia) AcehAcehäˈchā [key], special region (1980 pop. 2,875,634), 21,387 sq mi (55,392 sq km), N Sumatra, Indonesia, formerly known as Atjeh or Achin. The capital and largest city is Banda…

National Archives

(Encyclopedia) National Archives, official depository for records of the U.S. federal government, established in 1934 by an act of Congress. Although displeasure concerning the method of keeping…

public land

(Encyclopedia) public land, in U.S. history, land owned by the federal government but not reserved for any special purpose, e.g., for a park or a military reservation. Public land is also called land…

Falun Gong

(Encyclopedia) Falun GongFalun Gongfä-l&oomacr;n g&oomacr;ng [key], also known as Falun DafaFalun Gongdä-fä [key], movement promoting physical and spiritual well-being that became widespread…

Tymoshenko, Yulia Volodymyrivna

(Encyclopedia) Tymoshenko, Yulia Volodymyrivna, 1960–, Ukrainian political leader, prime minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007–10), b. Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk). She studied economics and cybernetics at…