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Polish Corridor

(Encyclopedia) Polish Corridor, strip of German territory awarded to newly independent Poland by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. The strip, 20 to 70 mi (32–112 km) wide, gave Poland access to the…

Oneida, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) OneidaOneidaōnīˈdə [key], city (1990 pop. 10,850), Madison co., central N.Y.; inc. 1901. Tableware was long the best-known product, and some is still manufactured in neighboring…


(Encyclopedia) RijekaRijekarēĕˈkä [key] or FiumeRijekafē&oomacr;ˈmē, Ital. fy&oomacr;ˈmā [key], city (2011 pop. 128,624), W Croatia, on the Adriatic Sea and the Gulf of Quarnero. Croatia's…

seltzer water

(Encyclopedia) seltzer water, mineral water containing free carbon dioxide, obtained originally from springs at Niederselters, Germany. Reputed to have curative value in treating several diseases, it…

Underground Railroad

(Encyclopedia) Underground Railroad, in U.S. history, loosely organized system for helping fugitive slaves escape to Canada or to areas of safety in free states. It was run by local groups of…

Keating, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Keating, Paul, 1944–, Australian politician. A trade-union official and member of the Labor party, he was first elected to parliament in 1969. As federal treasurer (treasury minister)…

Muñoz Marín, Luis

(Encyclopedia) Muñoz Marín, LuisMuñoz Marín, Luisl&oomacr;ēsˈ m&oomacr;nyōsˈ märēnˈ [key], 1898–1980, Puerto Rican political leader, governor of Puerto Rico (1949–65). He abandoned a career…

Tangier, city, Morocco

(Encyclopedia) TangierTangiertănjērˈ [key], ancient Tingis, city (1994 pop. 497,147), N Morocco, on the Strait of Gibraltar. The city has a busy port and building, fishing, and textiles industries.…


(Encyclopedia) PolokwanePolokwanepōˌlōkwänˈā [key], formerly PietersburgPietersburgpēˈtərzbûrgˌ [key], city and local municipality (2011 pop. 625,811), capital of Limpopo prov., NE South Africa. It…

Hill, David Bennett

(Encyclopedia) Hill, David Bennett, 1843–1910, American politician, b. Montour Falls, N.Y. He entered law and politics, becoming the upstate boss of the Democratic party in New York. He served as…