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Scotland, Church of

(Encyclopedia) Scotland, Church of, the established national church of Scotland, Presbyterian (see Presbyterianism) in form. The first Protestants in Scotland, led by Patrick Hamilton, were…

Dred Scott Case

(Encyclopedia) Dred Scott Case, argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1856–57. It involved the then bitterly contested issue of the status of slavery in the federal territories. In 1834, Dred Scott…

European Economic Area

(Encyclopedia) European Economic Area: see European Free Trade Association; European Union.

Holland, Philemon

(Encyclopedia) Holland, Philemon, 1552–1637, English translator and scholar. Educated at Cambridge, he became director of the free school in Coventry, where he also practiced medicine. He was the…

Garth, Sir Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Garth, Sir Samuel, 1661–1719, English poet and physician, b. Yorkshire. He studied medicine at Leiden and Cambridge. His chief work is the satirical poem The Dispensary (1699), in…


(Encyclopedia) Airdrie Airdrie ârˈdrē [key], town, North Lanarkshire, S central Scotland. Chemicals and electrical and electronic equipment are produced. There are…

tetraethyl lead

(Encyclopedia) tetraethyl leadtetraethyl leadtĕtˌrəĕthˈəl [key], (C2H5)4Pb, viscous, colorless, poisonous liquid. It is an organometallic compound prepared by reacting ethyl chloride with a sodium-…

Berlin, Conference of

(Encyclopedia) Berlin, Conference of, 1884–85, international meeting aimed at settling the problems connected with European colonies in Africa. At the invitation of the German chancellor Otto von…

European Economic Community

(Encyclopedia) European Economic Community (EEC), organization established (1958) by a treaty signed in 1957 by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany (now Germany); it…

Johnston, Gabriel

(Encyclopedia) Johnston, Gabriel, 1699–1752, colonial governor of North Carolina (1734–52). An efficient and popular Scot, he nevertheless had constant difficulties with the assembly over quitrents…