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Figures and Legends in American Folklore

Appleseed, Johnny (John Chapman, 1774-1847): Massachusetts-born nurseryman; reputed to have spread seeds and seedlings out of which grew the apple orchards of the Midwest.Billy the Kid (…

Figure Skating: World Champions

Men1960 Alain Giletti, France1961 No competition1962 Donald Jackson, Canada1963 Don McPherson, Canada1964 Manfred Schnelldorfer, West Germany1965 Alain Calmat, France1966–68 Emmerich Danzer,…

Figure Skating: U.S. Champions

Men1946–52Richard Button1953–56Hayes Jenkins1957–60David Jenkins1961Bradley Lord1962Monty Hoyt1963Tommy Liz1964Scott Allen1965 Gary Visconti1966 Scott Allen1967 Gary Visconti1968–70 Tim…

Men's Olympic Figure Skating

Multiple gold medals: Gillis Grafström (3); Dick Button and Karl Schäfer (2).Year 1908 Ulrich Salchow SWE1912 Not held 1920 Gillis Grafström SWE1924 Gillis Grafström SWE1928 Gillis…

Women's Olympic Figure Skating

Multiple gold medals: Sonja Henie (3); Katarina Witt (2).Year 1908 Madge Syers GBR1912 Not held 1920 Magda Julin-Mauroy SWE1924 Herma Planck-Szabö AUT1928 Sonja Henie NOR1932 Sonja Henie…

Pairs—Olympic Figure Skating

Multiple gold medals: MEN–Pierre Brunet, Artur Dmitriev, Sergei Grinkov, Oleg Protopopov and Aleksandr Zaitsev (2). WOMEN–Irina Rodnina (3); Ludmila Belousova, Ekaterina Gordeeva and Andree…

Facts and Figures About Twisters

Facts and Figures About Twisters Although tornadoes can happen at any time of year, they are especially common during the spring and early summer. May and June are the peak months in terms of…

Olympic Figure Skating Pairs Medalists

    Score 1 Tatiana Totmianina & Maxim Marinin, RUS 204.48 2 Dan Zhang & Hao Zhang, CHN 189.73 3 Hongbo Zhao & Xue Shen, CHN 186.91   Information…