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Brewer's: Monumental Figures

No. 1. (1) Those in stone, with plain sloping roofs, and without inscriptions, are the oldest. (2) In 1160 these plain prismatic roofs began to be ornamented. (3) In the same century the…

Worldwide Unemployment Figures

    Percentage unemployed   Year Both sexes Male Female Albania 1991 9.1% n.a.% n.a% Algeria 1992 23.8 24.2 20.3 Argentina 1995 18.8 16.5…

Hipparchus, Athenian political figure

(Encyclopedia) HipparchusHipparchushĭpärˈkəs [key], c.555–514 b.c., Athenian political figure, son of Pisistratus. After the death of his father, he was closely associated with his brother Hippias,…

apostrophe, figure of speech

(Encyclopedia) apostrophe, figure of speech in which an absent person, a personified inanimate being, or an abstraction is addressed as though present. The term is derived from a Greek word meaning “…

Henie, Sonja

(Encyclopedia) Henie, SonjaHenie, Sonjasōˈnyə hĕnˈē [key], 1912–69, Norwegian-American figure skater and movie actress, b. Oslo, Norway. She began ice skating at the age of eight and two years later…

Winter Olympics: Figure Skating

Will the Russians sweep? by John Gettings and Christine Frantz Michelle Kwan Related Links 2006 Winter Olympics 2006 Figure Skating Medal StandingsFigure Skating Through the…

Figures and Legends in American Folklore

Appleseed, Johnny (John Chapman, 1774-1847): Massachusetts-born nurseryman; reputed to have spread seeds and seedlings out of which grew the apple orchards of the Midwest.Billy the Kid (…

Flatland: Concerning Irregular Figures

by Edwin A. Abbott Of Recognition by SightOf the Ancient Practice of PaintingConcerning Irregular Figures Throughout the previous pages I have been assuming-what perhaps should have been…