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Team Figure Skating

Team Figure Skating was a new event at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.Year 2014Evgeni Plushenko, Yulia Lipnitskaya Ksenia Stolbova & Fedor Klimov Elena Ilinykh & Nikita…

Black Literary Figures

Notable African-American Literary Figures   Alice Walker Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials Civil Rights Leaders…

Brewer's: Academy Figures

Drawings in black and white chalk, on tinted paper, from living models, used by artists. So called from the Royal Academy of Artists. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Figure Skating–Men

1908 Ulrich Salchow, Sweden1920 Gillis Grafström, Sweden1924 Gillis Grafström, Sweden1928 Gillis Grafström, Sweden1932 Karl Schäfer, Austria1936 Karl Schäfer, Austria1948 Dick Button, United…

Figure Skating–Women

1908 Madge Syers, Britain1920 Magda Julin-Mauroy, Sweden1924 Herma Planck-Szabö, Austria1928 Sonja Henie, Norway1932 Sonja Henie, Norway1936 Sonja Henie, Norway1948 Barbara Ann Scott,…

Brewer's: Lay Figures

Wooden figures with free joints, used by artists chiefly for the study of drapery. This is a metaphorical use of lay. As divines divide the world into two parties, the ecclesiastics and…

Brewer's: Arabic Figures

The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. So called because they were introduced into Europe (Spain) by the Moors or Arabs, who learnt them from the Hindus. Far more important than the characters, is…

Brewer's: Purkinge's Figures

In optics, figures produced on a wall of uniform colour when a person entering a dark room with a candle moves it up and down approximately on a level with the eyes. From the eye near the…

Brewer's: Figure of Fun

(A). A droll appearance, whether from untidiness, quaintness, or other peculiarity. `A precious figure of fun,' is a rather stronger expression. These are chiefly applied to young children…

Brewer's: Figure-head

A figure on the head or projecting cutwater of a ship. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Figure of FunFigure A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q…