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Brewer's: Nihilo

Ex nihilo nihil fit. From nothing comes nothing—i.e. every effect must have a cause. It was the dictum of Xenophanes, founder of the Eleatic school (sixth century), to prove the eternity…

Brewer's: Phylactery

A charm or amulet. The Jews wore on their wrist or forehead a slip of parchment bearing a text of Scripture. Strictly speaking, a phylactery consisted of four pieces of parchment, enclosed…

Brewer's: Pasha of Three Tails

(A). There are three grades of pashas distinguished by the number of horse-tails on their standard. In war the horse-tail standard is carried before the pasha, and planted in front of his…

Brewer's: Excalibur

(Ex cal [ce] liber [atus]). Liberated from the stone. The sword which Arthur drew out of the stone, whereby he proved himself to be the king. (See Sword.) “No sword on earth, were it the…

Brewer's: Execrate

(3 syl.). To many Roman laws this tag was appended, “If any one breaks this law, sacer esto, ” i.e. let his body, his family, and his goods be consecrated to the gods. When a man was…

Brewer's: Exodus

The Exodus of Israel. The departure of the Israelites from Egypt under the guidance of Moses. We now speak of the Exodus of Ireland —i.e. the departure of the Irish in large numbers for…

Brewer's: Flea's Jump

Aristophanes, in the Clouds, says that Socrates and Chærephon tried to measure how many times its own length a flea jumped. They took in wax the size of a flea's foot; then, on the…

Brewer's: Measure

Out of all measure. “Outre mesure.” Beyond all reasonable degree, “Præter (or supra) modum.” “Thus out of measure sad.” —Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, i. 3. To take the measure of…

Federalist No. 44

No 43 No 45 Restrictions on the Authority of the Several States From the New York Packet.Friday, January 25, 1788.Madison To the People of the State of New York: A…

Federalist No. 47

No 46 No 48 The Particular Structure of the New Government and the Distribution of Power Among Its Different Parts From the New York Packet.Friday, February 1, 1788.Madison…