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May 2011 Current Events: World News

U.S. News | Disasters & Science News Here are the key events in world news for the month of May 2011. Osama bin Laden Is Killed in Pakistan (May 1): U.S. troops and CIA operatives shoot and…

Movies and Film: Independent Films Today

Independent Films TodayMovies and FilmFilm Financing, Production, and DistributionProduction, Distribution, ExhibitionDistributionExhibition(ists)Stars' BucksIndependent Films TodayForeign FilmsSome…

Brewer's: Nihilo

Ex nihilo nihil fit. From nothing comes nothing—i.e. every effect must have a cause. It was the dictum of Xenophanes, founder of the Eleatic school (sixth century), to prove the eternity…

Brewer's: Phylactery

A charm or amulet. The Jews wore on their wrist or forehead a slip of parchment bearing a text of Scripture. Strictly speaking, a phylactery consisted of four pieces of parchment, enclosed…

Brewer's: Alcantara

(Order of) A military and religious order instituted in 1214 by Alfonso IX., King of Castile, to commemorate the taking of Alcantara from the Moors. The sovereign of Spain is ex-officio,…

Brewer's: Beguins

A sisterhood instituted in the twelfth century, founded by Lambert Bégue or Lambert le Bègue. The members of the male society were called Beghards (q.v. ). The Béguins were at liberty to…

Brewer's: Benefice

(3 syl.). Under the Romans certain grants of lands made to veteran soldiers were called beneficia, and in the Middle Ages an estate held ex mero beneficio of the donor was called “a…

Brewer's: Accessory

Ac′cessory Accessory before the fact is one who is aware that another intends to commit an offence, but is himself absent when the offence is perpetrated. Accessory after the fact is…

Brewer's: Measure

Out of all measure. “Outre mesure.” Beyond all reasonable degree, “Præter (or supra) modum.” “Thus out of measure sad.” —Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, i. 3. To take the measure of…