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Brewer's: Ecstatici

(The). A class of diviners among the ancient Greeks, who used to lie in trances, and when they came to themselves gave strange accounts of what they had seen while they were “out of the…

Brewer's: Effrontery

Out-facing, rude persistence, and overbearing impudence. (Latin, ef-frons, i.e. ex-frons, out-face.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Egalité PhilippeEffigy…

Brewer's: Scamp

[qui exit ex campo]. A deserter from the field; one who decamps without paying his debts. S privative and camp. (See Snob.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Make Mountains of Molehills

(To). To make a difficulty of trifles. “Arcem ex cloaca facare.” The corresponding French proverb is, “Faire d'un mouche un éléphant.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Burchardise

To speak ex cathedra; to speak with authority. Burchard (who died 1026) compiled a volume of canons of such undisputed authority, that any sentence it gave was beyond appeal. Source:…

200 Cigarettes

Director: Risa Bramon Garcia Writer: Shana Larsen Paramount Pictures/MTV Productions; R Release: 2/99 Cast: Christina Ricci, Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Janeane Garofalo,…

Golf Summary

The Masters Tournament Winners U.S. Open Champions…

The Koran/Sura LXXX — He Frowned

Sura LXXX — He FrownedMecca — 42 Verses In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful HE FROWNED, and he turned his back,[66] Because the blind man came to him! But what assured thee…

Brewer's: Accessory

Ac′cessory Accessory before the fact is one who is aware that another intends to commit an offence, but is himself absent when the offence is perpetrated. Accessory after the fact is…

Brewer's: Alcantara

(Order of) A military and religious order instituted in 1214 by Alfonso IX., King of Castile, to commemorate the taking of Alcantara from the Moors. The sovereign of Spain is ex-officio,…