Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

A Coruña

(Encyclopedia)A Coruña lä kōro͞oˈnyä [key], city (2020 est. pop. 247,604), capital of A Coruña prov., NW Spain, in Galicia. It is a busy Atlantic port, a distribution center for ...

Paris, University of

(Encyclopedia)Paris, University of, at Paris, France; founded 12th cent., confirmed 1215 by papal bull. The most famous of its colleges was the Sorbonne, which opened in 1253 and gained academic and theological dis...

cloth of gold

(Encyclopedia)cloth of gold, fabric woven wholly or partly of gold threads. From remote times gold has been used as material for weaving either alone or with other fibers. In India tapestries were made from gold th...


(Encyclopedia)Cluj-Napoca klo͞ozh-näpō [key], Hung. Kolozsvár, Ger. Klausenburg, city, W central Ro...

Durham, county, England

(Encyclopedia)Durham, officially County Durham, county, 1,015 sq mi (2,629 sq km), NE England, on the North Sea between the Tees and Tyne rivers; administratively...


(Encyclopedia)Boethius bōēsˈ [key] (Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius), c.475–525, Roman philosopher and statesman. An honored figure in the public life of Rome, where he was consul in 510, he became the able...


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Organ organ, a musical wind instrument in which sound is produced by one or more sets of pipes controlled by a keyboard, each pipe producing only one pitch by means of a mechanically produced ...


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Examples of runes runes, ancient characters used in Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian inscriptions. They were probably first used by the East Goths (c.300), who are thought to have deriv...

Salamanca, city, Spain

(Encyclopedia)Salamanca, city (1990 pop. 162,037), capital of Salamanca prov., W central Spain, in Castile and León, on the Tormes River, c.2,600 ft (790 m) above sea level. Food-processing and tourism are its mos...


(Encyclopedia)Douai do͞oˈā, do͞oāˈ [key], town, Nord dept., N France, in French Flanders, on the Scarpe ...

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