Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Schuman, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Schuman, Robert rōbĕrˈ sho͞omäNˈ [key], 1886–1963, French statesman and lawyer, b. grand duchy of Luxembourg. A member of the Catholic Mouvement Républicain Populaire (MRP), he was finance mi...

French literature

(Encyclopedia)French literature, writings in medieval French dialects and standard modern French. Writings in Provençal and Breton are considered separately, as are works in French produced abroad (as at Canadian ...

Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin

(Encyclopedia)Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin zhäN bätēstˈ pôklăNˈ môlyĕrˈ [key], 1622–73, French playwright and actor, b. Paris; son of a merchant who was upholsterer to the king. His name was origina...


(Encyclopedia)Consulate, 1799–1804, in French history, form of government established after the coup of 18 Brumaire (Nov. 9–10, 1799), which ended the Directory. Three consuls were appointed to rule France—Na...

Courcelle, Daniel Rémy, sieur de

(Encyclopedia)Courcelle, Daniel Rémy, sieur de dänyĕlˈ rāmēˈ syörˈ də ko͞orsĕlˈ [key], d.1698, governor of New France (1665–72). He arrived with the intendant Jean Talon, and together they inaugurate...

Androuet du Cerceau

(Encyclopedia)Androuet du Cerceau äNdro͞o-āˈ dü sĕrsōˈ [key], family of French architects active in the 16th and 17th cent. It was founded by Jacques Androuet, c.1520–c.1584, surnamed du Cerceau [Fr.,=cir...

Havelange, João

(Encyclopedia)Havelange, João (Jean-Marie Faustin Godefroid de Havelange), 1916–2016, Brazilian business and sports executive, b. Rio de Janeiro. An Olympic swimmer (1936) and water polo player (1952), he was a ...

Mathiez, Albert

(Encyclopedia)Mathiez, Albert älbĕrˈ mätyāˈ [key], 1874–1932, French historian, an authority on the French Revolution. He studied under Aulard, whose scientific method he adopted, although it led him to dif...

Echeverría, Esteban

(Encyclopedia)Echeverría, Esteban āstāˈbän āˌchāvārēˈä [key], 1805–51, Argentine romantic poet, prose writer, and revolutionary propagandist. After five years in Europe he introduced romanticism in Ar...

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