Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Vercors vĕrkôrˈ [key], 1902–91, French writer and illustrator, whose original name was Jean Bruller. Vercors served in the French resistance movement and helped to found Les Éditions de Minuit, ...

Viviani, René

(Encyclopedia)Viviani, René rənāˈ vēvyänēˈ [key], 1863–1925, French statesman. He entered politics as a Socialist and joined Jean Jaurès in founding the journal Humanité and in forming (1905) the united...

Snell, George Davis

(Encyclopedia)Snell, George Davis, 1903–96, American immunologist, b. Bradford, Mass., Ph.D. Harvard, 1930. He was associated with the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine from 1935 to 1973. His identification...

Tallien, Thérésa Cabarrus

(Encyclopedia)Tallien, Thérésa Cabarrus tälyăNˈ [key], 1773–1835, French political figure, of Spanish parentage. The divorced wife of a marquis de Fontenay, she became intimate with the revolutionary Jean L...

Laporte, Roland

(Encyclopedia)Laporte, Roland rōläNˈ läpôrtˈ [key], 1675–1704, a leader of the Camisards, known as Roland. He was noted for his fearlessness, his knowledge of military tactics, and his ability at organizing...

Laurence, Margaret

(Encyclopedia)Laurence, Margaret (Jean Margaret Laurence), 1926–87, Canadian novelist, b. Manitoba. She lived in Somaliland, Ghana, and England and many of her early works had an African setting. Laurence was par...

Lalemant, Gabriel

(Encyclopedia)Lalemant, Gabriel (Saint Gabriel Lalemant) lälmäNˈ [key], 1610–49, French Jesuit missionary in North America, nephew of Charles Lalemant and Jérôme Lalemant, one of the Jesuit Martyrs of North...

Étampes, Anne de Pisseleu, duchesse d'

(Encyclopedia)Étampes, Anne de Pisseleu, duchesse d' än də pēslöˈ düshĕsˈ dātäNpˈ [key], 1508–1580?, official mistress of Francis I of France from 1526. Intelligent as well as beautiful, she patronize...

Gravier, Jacques

(Encyclopedia)Gravier, Jacques zhäk grävyāˈ [key], 1651–1708, French Jesuit missionary to the tribes of the Illinois region. He went to Canada in 1685. He was sent west to the St. Ignace mission at Mackinac i...

John Baptist de la Salle, Saint

(Encyclopedia)John Baptist de la Salle, Saint băptēstˈ də lä sälˈ [key], 1651–1719, French educator, founder of the Christian Brothers, b. Reims. He became a priest and canon of the cathedral. He spent his...

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