Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Dorr, Thomas Wilson

(Encyclopedia)Dorr, Thomas Wilson, 1805–54, leader of Dorr's Rebellion (1842) in Rhode Island, b. Providence. After studying law under Chancellor Kent in New York he practiced in Providence. Although born of a we...

Bradlaugh, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Bradlaugh, Charles brădˈlô [key], 1833–91, British social reformer, a secularist. Editor of the free-thinking weekly National Reformer from 1860 and later associated with Annie Besant, he was an ...

Banda Sea

(Encyclopedia)Banda Sea bănˈdə, bänˈdä [key], section of the Pacific Ocean, c.600 mi (970 km) long and c.300 mi (480 km) wide, E Indonesia, outlined by the South Molucca islands. The deepest point is c.24,000...


(Encyclopedia)Rantekombola ränˌtəkŏmˈbələ [key], mountain, 11,335 ft (3,455 m) high, on the southwest peninsula of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. It is the island's highest point. ...


(Encyclopedia)Raung, active volcano, East Java prov., Indonesia, rising to 10,932 ft (3,332 m), with a steep-sided, 1.2-mi (2-km) wide caldera that is 1,600 ft (500 m) deep. It is located SW of Ijen caldera. A mass...


(Encyclopedia)Four-H or 4-H, organization for boys and girls, generally from 8 to 18 years of age; some states offer programs for younger children, and there are also collegiate programs. 4-H teaches young people l...


(Encyclopedia)Semarang səmäˈräng [key], city (1990 pop. 1,249,230), capital of Central Java prov., N Java, Indonesia, on the Java Sea and at the mouth of the Semarang River. An important port, it is one of the ...


(Encyclopedia)Kapuas käˈpo͞oäs [key], river, c.710 mi (1,140 km) long, rising in the mountains of central Borneo and flowing SW through W Kalimantan, Indonesia, to the South China Sea near Pontianak. Its valley...

Kerinci, Mount

(Encyclopedia)Kerinci, Mount, or Mount Kerintji both: kərĭnˈchē [key], peak, 12,467 ft (3,800 m) high, in the Pegunungan Barisan, W central Sumatra, Indonesia. It is Sumatra's highest point. ...

land art

(Encyclopedia)land art or earthworks, art form developed in the late 1960s and early 70s by Robert Smithson, Robert Morris, Michael Heizer, and others, in which the artist employs the elements of nature in situ or ...

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