Columbia Encyclopedia

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Paston Letters

(Encyclopedia)Paston Letters, collection of personal and business correspondence, mostly among members of the Paston family of Norfolk, England. The letters cover the years from 1422 to 1529, together with deeds an...


(Encyclopedia)Banyuwangi bänˌyo͞owängˈē [key], city (1980 pop. 90,378), E Java, Indonesia, opposite Bali on Bali Strait. It is a railroad terminus and the seaport for shipment of passengers and goods to Bali....


(Encyclopedia)Sepik, river, c.700 mi (1,130 km) long, N Papua New Guinea, rising near the border of Indonesia's Papua prov. and Papua New Guinea. It flows east through a large swampy basin to the Bismarck Sea. The ...


(Encyclopedia)Sumatra so͝omäˈtrə [key], island (1990 pop. 36,471,731), c.183,000 sq mi (473,970 sq km), Indonesia, in the Indian Ocean along the equator, S and W of the Malay Peninsula (from which it is separat...


(Encyclopedia)Nzinga or Njinga, c.1583–1663, queen of the Mbundu people in what is now Angola. In 1622, she represented her brother, King Mbande of Ndongo, in talks with the Portuguese, who had established a fort...


(Encyclopedia)Balikpapan bäˈlēkpäˈpän [key], city, E Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia, on an inlet of Makasar ...


(Encyclopedia)Pekalongan pĕkˌälôngˈgän [key], city (1990 pop. 242,714), N central Java, Indonesia, on the Java Sea. It is a textile and batik center and the principal port for central Java; sugar, rubber, and...


(Encyclopedia)Hsia shēä [key], semilegendary first dynasty of China, which ruled, according to traditional dates, from c.2205 b.c. to c.1766 b.c. or, according to some modern scholars, from c.1994 b.c. to c.1523 ...


(Encyclopedia)Pasuruan or Pasoeroean both: päˌso͞oro͞oänˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 152,075), E Java, Indonesia, on Madura Strait. Established by the Dutch in 1707, it remains an active seaport. It has shipyards...


(Encyclopedia)Maori mäˈōrē [key], people of New Zealand and the Cook Islands, believed to have migrated in early times from other islands of Polynesia. Maori tradition asserts that seven canoes brought their an...

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