Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Cajamarca kähämärˈkä [key], city, capital of Cajamarca prov., N Peru. An important commercial ...


(Encyclopedia)Cuzco or Cusco both: ko͞oˈskō [key], city, alt. 11,207 ft (3,416 m), capital of Cuzco dept., S Peru, at ...

Toledo, Francisco de , Spanish viceroy of Peru

(Encyclopedia)Toledo, Francisco de fränthēˈskō ᵺā tōlāˈᵺō [key], 1515?–84, Spanish viceroy of Peru (1569–81). He came from one of the noblest families of Spain and had served Charles V and Philip I...

Markham, Sir Clements Robert

(Encyclopedia)Markham, Sir Clements Robert märˈkəm [key], 1830–1916, English geographer and writer. While in the navy he served on a British expedition (1850–51) to the Arctic to search for the explorer Sir ...


(Encyclopedia)Quechua, Kechua kēchˈwä [key], linguistic family belonging to the Andean branch of the Andean-Equatorial stock of Native American languages (mainly in South America). Encompassing far more native ...


(Encyclopedia)Aymara īmäräˈ [key], Native South Americans inhabiting the Lake Titicaca basin in Peru and Bolivia. The originators of the great culture represented by the ruins of Tiahuanaco were very likely Aym...


(Encyclopedia)Tupamaros to͞opämäˈrōs [key], urban guerrilla organization and political party in Uruguay, also known as the National Liberation Army. Named for the Inca revolutionist Tupac Amaru, it became acti...

Cieza de León, Pedro

(Encyclopedia)Cieza de León, Pedro pāˈᵺrō thēāˈthä dā lāōnˈ [key], 1518?–1560, Spanish soldier and explorer in South America. His Chronicle of Peru is one of the most richly detailed accounts of the...

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