Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Cambert, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Cambert, Robert rōbĕrˈ käNbĕrˈ [key], c.1628–1677, French composer; pupil of Chambonnières. His Pastorale d'Issy (1659) and other works are among the first real French operas. With the libret...


(Encyclopedia)Duluth dəlo͞othˈ [key], city (2020 pop. 86,697), seat of St. Louis co., NE Minn., at the w...

Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de fränthēˈskō dā rōˈhäs thôrēˈlyä [key], 1607–48, Spanish dramatist. He created a new type of comedia de gracioso, enlarging the role of the gracioso, or buffo...

Renart, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Renart, Jean zhäN rənärˈ [key], fl. 1212, French poet. He is believed to be the author of two charming romans courtois, or metrical romances—Guillaume de Dole and L'Escoufle [the hawk] as well a...

Satyre Ménippée

(Encyclopedia)Satyre Ménippée or Satire Ménippée sätērˈ mānēpāˈ [key], anonymous French political pamphlet (1st ed. 1594) circulated in Paris in the 1590s. A brilliant lampoon attacking the leaders of th...

Lemonnier, Camille

(Encyclopedia)Lemonnier, Camille kämēˈyə ləmônyāˈ [key], 1844–1913, Belgian novelist and art critic. After abandoning law, Lemonnier published his first work, Salon de Bruxelles (1863), a collection of ar...

Ogier the Dane

(Encyclopedia)Ogier the Dane ōˈjēər, ōzhyāˈ [key], in the chansons de geste, a paladin of Charlemagne. Although his military feats save emperor and kingdom, he is for a time at odds with Charlemagne. In some...


(Encyclopedia)Montreux môNtröˈ [key], resort area (1990 pop. 22,917), on the northeast shore of the Lake of Geneva, Vaud canton, W Switzerland. It is composed of the communes of Le Châtelard, Les Planches, and ...

Picard, Edmond

(Encyclopedia)Picard, Edmond ĕdmôNˈ pēkärˈ [key], 1836–1924, Belgian jurist and author. A brilliant lawyer, he was at various times president of the Belgian bar association and a member of the supreme court...

Gérard, Jean Ignace Isidore

(Encyclopedia)Gérard, Jean Ignace Isidore zhäN ēnyäsˈ ēzēdôrˈ zhārärˈ [key], 1803–47, French caricaturist, illustrator, and lithographer, better known as Grandville. He is noted for his spirited caric...

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