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500 results found

Ledoux, Claude Nicolas

(Encyclopedia)Ledoux, Claude Nicolas klōd nēkôläˈ lədo͞oˈ [key], 1736–1806, French architect. He built palaces and various public buildings, among them the tollhouses (barrières) around Paris (1784). His...

Moréas, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Moréas, Jean zhäN môrāäsˈ [key], 1856–1910, French poet, b. Athens. His name was originally Iannis Papadiamantopoulos. He went to Paris in 1872. He wrote two volumes of symbolist verse, Les Sy...

Nodier, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Nodier, Charles shärl nôdyāˈ [key], 1780–1844, French novelist and poet. From 1824 he was librarian of the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal in Paris. His salon was the nucleus of the beginning romanti...

Boieldieu, François Adrien

(Encyclopedia)Boieldieu, François Adrien fräNswäˈ ädrēăNˈ bwäldyöˈ [key], 1775–1834, French composer. He studied with the organist of the cathedral in Rouen and composed one successful opera, Le Calife...

Sue, Eugène

(Encyclopedia)Sue, Eugène özhĕnˈ sü [key], 1804–57, French novelist, whose name was originally Marie-Joseph Sue. A surgeon in the French navy, he went into exile when Napoleon III came to power. Sue's popula...

Vogüé, Eugène Marie Melchior, vicomte de

(Encyclopedia)Vogüé, Eugène Marie Melchior, vicomte de özhĕnˈ märēˈ mĕlkyôrˈ vēkôNtˈ də vôgüāˈ [key], 1848–1910, French critic. He fought in the Franco-Prussian War and was imprisoned for six ...

Say, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Say, Thomas, 1787–1843, American naturalist, b. Philadelphia. He went on collecting expeditions to Georgia and Florida and, with Stephen H. Long, to the Rocky Mts. and up the Mississippi and Minneso...

's Hertogenbosch

(Encyclopedia)'s Hertogenbosch sĕrˌtōkhənbôsˈ [key], Fr. Bois-le-Duc, city (1994 pop. 95,448), capital of North Brabant prov., S central Netherlands, at the confluence of the Dommel and Aa rivers. It is an in...

Barthélemy, Auguste Marseille

(Encyclopedia)Barthélemy, Auguste Marseille ōgüstˈ märsāˈyə bärtālmēˈ [key], 1796–1867, French poet. With his friend Joseph Méry he wrote several brilliant and popular political satires, including La...

Ramelli, Agostino

(Encyclopedia)Ramelli, Agostino ägōstēˈnō rämĕlˈlē [key], c.1531–c.1600, Italian engineer who served in the armies of the marquis de Marignan and of the duc d'Anjou (later Henry III of France). His book,...

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