Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Nottingham, University of

(Encyclopedia)Nottingham, University of, at Nottingham, England; established 1881 as University College, Nottingham. It received its charter as a university in 1948. It has faculties of agricultural science, arts, ...

Bristol, University of

(Encyclopedia)Bristol, University of, at Bristol, England; established 1876 as University College, Bristol. In 1909 it gained university status. It has faculties of arts, science, medicine, engineering, law, and so...

Australian National University

(Encyclopedia)Australian National University, located in Canberra and state-sponsored, founded 1946 as Australia's only completely research-oriented university. Originally limited to graduate studies, it expanded i...


(Encyclopedia)Autun ōtöNˈ [key], town, Saône-et-Loire dept., E central France, on the Arroux River. It is an industrial center producing metals, machinery, leather, cloth, timber, a...


(Encyclopedia)Landshut läntsˈho͞ot [key], city (1994 pop. 59,640), Bavaria, SE Germany, on the Isar River. Once the capital of Lower Bavaria, it is now a transportation and industrial center. Manufactures includ...


(Encyclopedia)Ica ēˈkä [key], city, capital of Ica region, SW Peru, on the Pan-American Highway. It is a commercial ...

Hakam II, al-

(Encyclopedia)Hakam II, al- äl-häkämˈ [key], 914–76, Umayyad caliph of Córdoba (961–76), son and successor of Abd ar-Rahman III. In the early part of his reign he successfully waged war against the Christi...


(Encyclopedia)Banjarmasin or Bandjarmasin both: bänˌjərmäˈsĭn [key], city, capital of Kalimantan ...

Pachuca de Soto

(Encyclopedia)Pachuca de Soto pächo͞oˈkä ᵺā sōˈtō [key], city (1990 pop. 174,013), capital of Hidalgo state, central Mexico, at the head of a ravine surrounded by foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental. P...


(Encyclopedia)Pau pō [key], city (1990 pop. 83,928), capital of Pyrénées-Atlantiques dept., SW France, at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is a major year-round tourist center, renowned for its spa and winter sports...

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