Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Young, Andrew Jackson, Jr.

(Encyclopedia)Young, Andrew Jackson, Jr., 1932–, African-American leader, clergyman, and public official, b. New Orleans. He was a leading civil-rights activist in the 1960s and, as a Democrat from Georgia, serve...

Charles University

(Encyclopedia)Charles University, at Prague, Czech Republic; also called Univ. of Prague. The oldest and one of the most important universities of central Europe, it was founded in 1348 by Holy Roman Emperor Charle...

Reading, University of

(Encyclopedia)Reading, University of, at Reading, England; established 1892 as a university extension college affiliated with the Univ. of Oxford. In 1926 it received its charter as an independent university. It ha...

Toronto, University of

(Encyclopedia)Toronto, University of, at Toronto, Ont., Canada; nondenominational; provincially supported; coeducational; founded 1827 as King's College. It achieved university status in 1849 and is governed under ...

Beijing University

(Encyclopedia)Beijing University or Peking University, at Beijing, China; founded as Metropolitan Univ. 1898, renamed Peking Univ. 1911, absorbed nontechnical departments of Tsinghua Univ. and merged with and moved...


(Encyclopedia)Ljubljana lyo͞oˈblyänä [key], Ger. Laibach, city (1991 pop. 267,008), capital of Slovenia, on the Sava River. An industrial and transportation center, it has industries that manufacture textiles, ...


(Encyclopedia)Ayacucho äyäko͞oˈchō [key], city, capital of Ayacucho dept., S central Peru. It is a commercial center in a rich mining region that produces gold, silver, and nickel....

Constantine, city, Algeria

(Encyclopedia)Constantine kŏnˈstəntēn [key], ancient Cirta, city, capital of Constantine dept., NE Alge...

Durham, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Durham dûrˈăm [key], city (2020 pop. 324,833), seat of Durham co., N central N.C., in the ...

Frankfurt an der Oder

(Encyclopedia)Frankfurt an der Oder än dĕr ōˈdər [key], city, Brandenburg, E Germany, a port on the Oder River, at the ...

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