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(Encyclopedia) jeep, small, durable automotive vehicle intended for heavy-duty applications and sometimes provided with the capability of delivering driving power to all four wheels. The last feature…


(Encyclopedia) Spars [from the motto “Semper Paratus,” Lat.,=always prepared], the women's reserve of the U.S. Coast Guard, created in Nov., 1942, to release men for sea duty. Wartime enlistment…

Barron, James

(Encyclopedia) Barron, James, 1768–1851, U.S. naval officer, b. Hampton, Va. Of a seafaring family, he served in the Virginia navy in the Revolution, entered the U.S. navy as a lieutenant in 1798,…


(Encyclopedia) tariff, tax on imported and, more rarely, exported goods. It is also called a customs duty. Tariffs may be distinguished from other taxes in that their predominant purpose is not…

Denby, Edwin

(Encyclopedia) Denby, Edwin, 1870–1929, U.S. Secretary of the Navy (1921–24), b. Evansville, Ind. President Harding appointed him to the cabinet. In 1924 he was involved in the scandal about the oil…

bounty, payment made by a government

(Encyclopedia) bounty, amount paid by a government for the achievement of certain economic or other goals. It often takes the form of a premium paid for the increased production or export of certain…

George Town

(Encyclopedia) George Town, town (1989 pop. 12,921), capital and administrative center of the Cayman Islands, in the West Indies. A major offshore banking and business center, it is the site of…


(Encyclopedia) TheognisTheognisthēŏgˈnĭs [key], fl. 6th cent. b.c., Greek didactic poet of Megara. An aristocrat with fierce partisan feelings, he wrote for his young friend Cyrnus a series of…