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(Encyclopedia) duty, in taxation: see tariff; excise taxes.

Brewer's: Duty

means what is due or owing, a debt which should be paid. Thus obedience is the debt of citizens to rulers for protection, and service is the debt of persons employed for wages received. “…

The Devil's Dictionary: Duty

by Ambrose Bierce DULLARDDUTY -n. That which sternly impels us in the direction of profit, along the line of desire. Sir Lavender Portwine, in favor at court, Was wroth at his master…

Brewer's: Whole Duty of Man

Tenison, Bishop of Lincoln, says the author was Dr. Chaplin, of University College, Oxford. (Evelyn: Diary.) Thomas Hearne ascribes the…

Hopper, Grace

(Encyclopedia) Hopper, Grace, 1906–92, American computer scientist, b. New York City as Grace Brewster Murray. She was educated at Vassar College and Yale (Ph.D., 1934). After teaching at Vassar (…