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Alito, Samuel Anthony, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Alito, Samuel Anthony, Jr. Alito, Samuel Anthony, Jr. əlēˈtō [key], 1950–, U.S. government official and judge, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (…


(Encyclopedia) SolferinoSolferinosōlfārēˈnō [key], village, Lombardy, N Italy, near Mantua. There, on June 24, 1859, the French and Sardinians fought a bloody battle with the Austrians (see…

White, Edward Douglass

(Encyclopedia) White, Edward Douglass, 1845–1921, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1894–1910), 9th chief justice of the United States (1910–21), b. Lafourche parish, La. He attended the…


(Encyclopedia) AyodhyaAyodhyaəyōdˈyə [key] or AjodhyaAjodhya [key]Ayodhyaəjōdˈyə [key]Ayodhya–jōdˈ– [key], town, Uttar Pradesh state, N India, on the Ghaghara River. Formerly called Oudh, the town…

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kans.

(Encyclopedia) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kans., case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1954. Linda Brown was denied admission to her local elementary school in Topeka because she was…


(Encyclopedia) infanticideinfanticideĭnfănˈtəsīd [key] [Lat.,=child murder], the putting to death of the newborn with the consent of the parent, family, or community. Infanticide often occurs among…

De Voto, Bernard Augustine

(Encyclopedia) De Voto, Bernard AugustineDe Voto, Bernard Augustinedə vōˈtō [key], 1897–1955, American writer and editor, b. Ogden, Utah, grad. Harvard, 1920. He taught at Northwestern Univ. (1922–27…

Davidson, Donald Herbert

(Encyclopedia) Davidson, Donald Herbert, 1917–2003, American philosopher, b. Springfield, Mass., grad. Harvard (B.A., 1939; Ph.D., 1949). A student of W. V. Quine, Davidson emerged as one of the…

Highet, Gilbert Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Highet, Gilbert ArthurHighet, Gilbert Arthurhīˈət [key], 1906–78, American classicist, b. Glasgow, Scotland. In 1951 Highet became a citizen of the United States. He was a professor of…

health-care proxy

(Encyclopedia) health-care proxy, legal document in which a person assigns to another person, usually called an agent or proxy, the authority to make medical decisions in case of incapacitation. It…