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Muñoz Marín, Luis

(Encyclopedia) Muñoz Marín, LuisMuñoz Marín, Luisl&oomacr;ēsˈ m&oomacr;nyōsˈ märēnˈ [key], 1898–1980, Puerto Rican political leader, governor of Puerto Rico (1949–65). He abandoned a career…

Lincoln, Mary Todd

(Encyclopedia) Lincoln, Mary Todd, 1818–82, wife of Abraham Lincoln, b. Lexington, Ky. Of a good Kentucky family, she was living with her sister, daughter-in-law of Gov. Ninian Edwards of Illinois,…

Martin v. Hunter's Lessee

(Encyclopedia) Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, case decided in 1816 by the U.S. Supreme Court. From 1779 to 1785, Virginia passed a series of laws by which the state confiscated all lands owned by…

Americans with Disabilities Act

(Encyclopedia) Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. civil-rights law, enacted 1990, that forbids discrimination of various sorts against persons with physical or mental handicaps. Its primary…

Fahd bin Abdul Aziz

(Encyclopedia) Fahd bin Abdul AzizFahd bin Abdul Azizfäd ĭbˈən ăbd&oobreve;lˈ ăzēzˈ [key], 1923–2005, king of Saudi Arabia (1982–2005). A son of Ibn Saud, the founder of Saudi Arabia, Fahd served…

Rusk, Dean

(Encyclopedia) Rusk, Dean (David Dean Rusk), 1909–94, U.S. secretary of state (1961–69), b. Cherokee co., Ga. After teaching (1934–40) and serving in World War II, he entered (1946) the Dept. of…

South China Sea

(Encyclopedia) South China Sea, western arm of the Pacific Ocean, c.1,000,000 sq mi (2,590,000 sq km), between the SE Asian mainland and Taiwan, the Philippines, and Borneo. It is connected with the…

Arecibo Observatory

(Encyclopedia) Arecibo Observatory, radio-astronomy facility located near Arecibo, Puerto Rico, part of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center. Conceived by, designed by, and built under the…

legislative apportionment

(Encyclopedia) legislative apportionment, subdivision of a political body (e.g., a state or province) for the purpose of electing legislative representatives. In the United States, the Constitution…

Northeast Boundary Dispute

(Encyclopedia) Northeast Boundary Dispute, controversy between the United States and Great Britain concerning the Maine–New Brunswick boundary. The treaty of 1783 ending the American Revolution had…