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Brewer's: Queen's Day

November 17th, the day of the accession of Queen Elizabeth, first publicly celebrated in 1570, and still kept as a holiday at the Exchequer, as it was at Westminster school. Nov. 17 at…

Brewer's: Rainy Day

(A). Evil times. Lay by something for a rainy day. Save something against evil times. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Raise the WindRaining Tree A B C D…

Brewer's: Salad Days

Days of inexperience, when persons are very green. My salad days. When I was green in judgment. Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra, i. 5. A pen'orth of salad oil. A strapping; a…

Brewer's: Saturnian Days

Days of dulness, when everything is venal. Then rose the seed of Chaos and of Night To blot oat order and extinguish light, Of dull and venal a new world to mould, And bring Saturnian days…

Brewer's: Tiburtius's Day

(St.). April 14th. The cuckoo sings from St. Tiburtius's Day (April 14th) to St. John's Day (June 24th). This most certainly is not correct, as I have heard the cuckoo even in August: but…

The Names of the Days of the Week

The mythic roots of some common words There are two basic origins for weekday names. In many languages, like French and Spanish, the days are named for the planets. In Japan, for instance, the days…

The "D" in D-Day

The Question: What does the "D" in D-Day stand for? The Answer: Nothing. Or maybe "Day." It is widely believed that the "D" in D-Day stands for "…

The Dog Days of Summer

The Question: Could you find me information about the old myth about the "Dog Days of Summer?" The Answer: The origins of the saying The Dog…

Brewer's: Grace Days

or Days of Grace. The three days over and above the time stated in a commercial bill. Thus, if a bill is drawn on the 20th June, and is payable in one month, it ought to be due on the 20th…

Brewer's: Candlemas Day

The feast of the purification of the Virgin Mary, when Christ was presented by her in the Temple. February 2nd, when, in the Roman Catholic Church, there is a candle procession, to…