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Great Days in Harlem

The birth of the Harlem Renaissance by Beth Rowen & Borgna Brunner   Zora Neale Hurston, 1935 The orig. manuscript of Hughes's Ballad of Booker T. Related Links…

Columbus Day Timeline

The first commemoration of Columbus took place in 1792 by Borgna Brunner 1792 The first celebration commemorating Christopher Columbus's landing in the New World takes place in New York…

Celebrating the Day of the Dead

​   ​ Dia de los Muertos by Shmuel Ross The Mexican holiday of Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, takes place over the first two days of November. It's become a huge symbol of Mexican…

Dog Days of Summer

The origins of the name for the most sultry days of the season Related Links The Great American Summer Guide Weather Lightning Advice Dog Days is the name for the most sultry…

Brewer's: Candlemas Day

The feast of the purification of the Virgin Mary, when Christ was presented by her in the Temple. February 2nd, when, in the Roman Catholic Church, there is a candle procession, to…

Brewer's: Canicular Days

The dog-days, corresponding with the overflow of the Nile. From the middle of July to the beginning of the second week in September. (Latin, canicula, diminutive of canis, a dog.) Source…

Brewer's: Ascension Day

or Holy Thursday. The day set apart by the Catholic and Anglican Church to commemorate the ascent of our Lord from earth to heaven. Formerly it was customary to beat the bounds of each…

Brewer's: Halcyon Days

A time of happiness and prosperity. Halcyon is the Greek for a kingfisher, compounded of hals (the sea) and kuo (to brood on). The ancient Sicilians believed that the kingfisher laid its…

Brewer's: High Days

= festivals. On high days and holidays. Here “high” = grand or great; as, “un grand jour”. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894High FalutinHigh Church A B C…

Brewer's: Banian Days

[Ban-yan ]. Days when no meat is served to a ship's crew. The term is derived from the Banians, a class of Hindu merchants, who carried on a most extensive trade with the interior of Asia…