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Four Days in September

Director:Bruno BarretoWriter:Leopoldo SerranDirector of Photography:Félix MontiEditor:Isabelle RatheryMusic:Stewart CopelandProduction Designer:Angelo GastalProducer:Lucy BarretoMiramax; R;…

The "D" in D-Day

The Question: What does the "D" in D-Day stand for? The Answer: Nothing. Or maybe "Day." It is widely believed that the "D" in D-Day stands for "…

The Dog Days of Summer

The Question: Could you find me information about the old myth about the "Dog Days of Summer?" The Answer: The origins of the saying The Dog…

Nurse's Day History

The Question: When is Nurses' Day observed? The Answer: National Nurses' Week is celebrated May 6-12 each year. Although a National Nurses'…

Alaska Day: Alaska

Celebrating Alaska’s birthday by Liz Olson Originally a Russian territory, Alaska was sold to the United States in 1867. The United States bought the Alaskan territory for $7,200,…

Evacuation Day: Massachusetts

Celebrating the departure of British forces by Liz Olson A state holiday celebrated in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, on March 17 each year, Evacuation Day commemorates the day…

Statehood Day: Hawaii

The third Friday of August by Liz Olson Statehood Day in Hawaii commemorates Hawaii’s admission as the 50th state of the United States. Hawaii was annexed by the United States in…

West Virginia Day

The statehood of West Virginia by Liz Olson West Virginia Day celebrates West Virginia’s admission to the United States of America on June 20, 1863. Although observed unofficially…

The Origins of Earth Day

On April 22nd, millions of people around the world will come together for the 52nd Earth Day celebration. This year’s theme is "Invest In Our Planet". It aims to persuade governments, businesses and…